whole-house air quality
Enviracaire Elite™
Improve your indoor
air: Zap airborne germs.
Trap airborne
Moisturize parched air.
You want the best
for your family. A comfortable home. Peace of mind. But
what about your home's air? According to a study
conducted by the US Environmental Protection Agency,
indoor air can be more polluted than the air outdoors.
And if you're like most Americans, you spend up to 90
percent of each day indoors—and more than half of that
time at home.

Tight Homes seal in
Today's homes are often
sealed tightly to conserve energy. Problem is, they can
seal in pollutants too. Mold, pollen, bacteria and other
undesirables pervade virtually all indoor air.
Refresh your air.
Fortunately, there's a solution to many indoor air
quality problems. A way to improve the air in your home.
A way to enhance your comfort and peace of mind.
The Enviracaire Elite
whole-house air quality system works to improve and
refresh the air in your entire home.